Jesus said to him, "Put up your sword. All who take the sword die by the sword." Matt. 26:52, N.E.B.
It was a high-riding four-wheel-drive pickup truck, complete with rifle and shotgun mounted on the rack in the rear view window. The driver appeared about as tough as the vehicle he drove. The sticker on the husky rear bumper seemed particularly appropriate: "Insured by Smith & Wesson." Rather than wait for theft to be repaid by his insurance agent, this driver wanted people to know that he would rely on the weapons of this well-known gunmaker to seek instant retribution on any thieves.
As I followed the truck down the freeway, my mind began imagining various scenarios. What if a would-be thief simply carried a larger Smith & Wesson, or was more skilled in its use? Then the driver would have to get his gun-toting friends to help him protect his truck. But if the thief also had armed friends...
Followed to this absurd conclusion--through armed gangs, extended feuds, border skirmishes, and major conflict--it is not all that different from the deadly arms race that threatens the very existence of humanity. Each party wants simply to protect what is his by being able to wound or destroy his opponents. No wonder Jesus warned Peter not even to get started down that path, for it has no rational ending place. The sons of Isaac and the sons of Ishmael have been trying to settle their differences by taking up the sword for almost four thousand years. Yet the Middle East is still in flames, with no reasonable peace in sight.
Jesus knew that no problem is solved because a person has been intimidated by force. Even though criminals need to be forcibly restrained, and the fear of a police officer's gun will lead some to outward compliance, we know that such force has not transformed the inner attitudes of the heart. In most cases, it even deepens the inner spirit of anger and hostility.
We can be certain that Jesus does not set a lower standard for Himself than He does for His creatures. If the truck owner is not ultimately secure with his Smith & Wesson, will eternal bliss be secured by the threat of wrathful destruction? Having told Peter to put away his sword, Jesus will not use it Himself. The wicked will die only because they have steadfastly chosen to remain separated from the Life-giver.