Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Matt. 5:15.
We spend so much of our lives trying to build up enough security for a rainy day, trying to plan, and save, and accumulate, to be protected against loss, and all the time the facts keep staring us in the face. He that tries to save his life is going to lose it. It is the one who has been willing to lose his life who finds it.
We have been told that in the great judgment day, those who have not worked for Christ, who have drifted along thinking of themselves, caring for themselves, and ignoring the needs of others, will be placed by the Judge of the whole earth with those who did evil. They will receive the same reward (see The Desire of Ages, p. 641). We know, if we have studied it at all, that to give is to live, and not to give is to die. We must impart in order to receive, and the one who stops imparting is going to stop receiving. Even our capacity to receive is maintained only by giving. This is why many Christians never grow, and why many churches never grow. The only way that God can save us is by allowing us to work with Him. "The efforts to bless others will react in blessing upon ourselves. This was the purpose of God in giving us a part to act in the plan of redemption."--Steps to Christ, p. 79.
The biggest single need of the church, and of the individual Christian, is to accept the challenge of getting involved in outreach and service. Witnessing is not primarily a matter of going out and knocking on doors, trying to convince total strangers of their need of Christ in five minutes or less so that you can rush on to the next house. Witnessing must become a way of life in order to be really meaningful.
It is impossible to witness unless you have something to tell. The relationship with Christ must be the basis for any outreach to others. But it is equally impossible to be a witness and never tell anything. A candle gives no light unless it is lighted, but if, as soon as it is lighted, it is covered up so that its light cannot be seen, it will soon go out. It is only as we share our light with others that we ourselves can grow.