And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions. Mark 10:22
His claim that he has kept the law of God was a deception. He showed that riches were his idol. He could not keep the commandments of God while the world was first in his affections. He loved the gifts of God more than he loved the Giver. Christ had offered the young man fellowship with Himself. "Follow Me," He said. But the Saviour was not so much to him as his own name among men or his possessions. To give up his earthly treasure, that was seen, for the heavenly treasure, that was unseen, was too great a risk. He refused the offer of eternal life, and went away, and ever after the world was to receive his worship. Thousands are passing through this ordeal, weighing Christ against the world; and many choose the world. Like the young ruler, they turn from the Saviour, saying in their hearts, I will not have this Man as my leader....
All should consider what it means to desire heaven, and yet to turn away because of the condition laid down. Think of what it means to say "No" to Christ. The ruler said, No, I cannot give You all. Do we say the same? The Saviour offers to share with us the work God has given us to do. He offers to use the means God has given us, to carry forward His work in the world. Only in this way can He save us." (The Desire of Ages, 520-523)
Reflection: A human lifetime is very short compared to eternity. The rich young ruler has been dead for two thousand years. I wonder if eternal life was worth forfeiting for a few measly years on this planet?