And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;...for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Luke 21:25, 26.
If I were a physician and had a patient as ill as this world is now, I would despair of being able to do anything to help him. A patient with a weak heart is not necessarily doomed to an early death. With good care and intelligent treatment, he has a good chance of living to a ripe old age. If, however, he is afflicted with cancer also, and tuberculosis and pneumonia, if he breaks out all over in a rash, and contracts typhoid, and in addition to all this has a stroke or two, his chance of recovery would be about nil.
This is the condition of the world today. Unrest is breaking out all over. The cancer of sin has permeated the whole social fabric. Vice and dissipation have broken down the constitution. False political and religious doctrines are poisoning the well-springs of life. The air is contaminated with intolerance and hatred. The whole world seems on the verge of collapse. The first stroke came in the first world war, followed by a second and worse global war. To the astonishment of many, the patient rallied, and doctors are now frantically looking for a remedy that will prevent another stroke. Few believe that civilization will survive one more. It is three times and out. The only solution to the problem is Jesus Christ, and He is coming soon, to set up a kingdom that will last forever.
Seventh-day Adventists believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ. They have taught it and preached it and hoped for it for a long time. There was a time when those who believed in the end of the world were considered alarmists. Today they are considered realists. Even scientists and statesmen are concluding that we cannot go on much longer. But we have this hope--the hope that He that shall come will come. The hope that He will come with clouds, and every eye shall see Him. The hope that He is coming to gather His children home, and bring an end to sin and sorrow. The center of our hope is Jesus. It is Jesus who is coming back again. It is Jesus who has been preparing a home for us. It is Jesus who has the only answer for the dying world.