For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. 1 Cor. 12:12.
Can you imagine a human body disorganized? What would happen if the brain, instead of telling the hand to open the door, decided to do away with organization? The face would get smashed. I'm thankful that the body is organized. And organization is meaningful for the church body as well.
A body cannot live without eating. But what is it about the body that eats? Is it the mouth? No. If you cut out the mouth, and tell it to eat, it's not going to eat. Is it the stomach that eats? No. It's the mouth and the stomach and all the rest of the body, clear out to the tiny cells, that absorb nourishment from the bloodstream. The whole body eats. And eating is one of the things the church body does. John 6 talks about it. We eat the bread of life and drink the water of life.
A body must also exercise. 1 Timothy 4:7, 8, refers to this. Exercise, in the spiritual sense, is outreach and service for others.
There are two reasons that we can have for coming to church and meeting with the other members of Christ's body. We come to church to get, and we come to church to give. If your primary reason for coming to church is to get, then you find it easy to skip it, and go for a walk in the woods. But to give is the greater purpose for attending church. There are ways that we can give as a corporate body that would be impossible for us individually. Which one of you, by yourself, has ever sent out a missionary to a foreign field? But think of the hundreds that have been sent out by the church!
When we go to church to give, as well as to receive, we will see the importance of meeting together with the body of Christ. There may be those who have just been rescued from the Jericho road who need our help. And the great Good Samaritan says to those who are willing to give to others, "Take care of them. And when I come again, I will repay you."