And they gathered it every morning, every man according to his eating: and when the sun waxed hot, it melted. Ex. 16:21.
The children of Israel followed the instructions of Moses, gathering of the manna, the bread from heaven, according to their personal needs. "And Moses said, Let no man leave of it till the morning." What can we learn here to guide us in establishing a meaningful devotional life?
May I propose that one the of the reasons why people have a hard time in trying to live the Christian life is that they are trying to rely on something that happened yesterday for today? It doesn't work. The Christian life operated on the trolley-car principle, not the battery principle! We cannot store up religion.
Some of the Israelites who didn't heed Moses' instructions and left the manna until the following morning found that it "bred worms, and stank"! Is it possible to have a Christian experience like that?
Yesterday's experience is no good for today. Here is where so many people have gone astray. They have heard that a devotional life, a relationship with God, is important. They "try" it for a day or two, then skip a week, then try another day. On again, off again; on again, off again. They say, "It doesn't work." Of course it doesn't work! It is possible to have just enough religion to make you miserable but not enough for a meaningful relationship. The consistency of the daily contact and communion with God is extremely important. Jesus said, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily" (Luke 9:23).
So the people of Israel gathered the manna "every morning, every man according to his eating: and when the sun waxed hot, it melted." Have you ever depended for your devotional life upon a prayer at night just before you fell into bed? Many people have discovered that when they changed the time of their praying and study from the last thing at night to the first thing in the morning, it made a big difference, and also changed the content of their prayers from simply "God, forgive me for all my sins and failures of today," to real fellowship and communion with Heaven. Take time, alone, at the beginning of every day, to seek Jesus through His Word and through prayer.