The Lamb has now joined the Father on the throne, an action anticipated in Revelation 3:21. This is the last of a series of five hymns in Revelation 4 and 5.
1. In Revelation 4:8 the four living creatures sing a song based on the "Holy, holy, holy" of Isaiah 6. They direct their hymn toward the "One sitting on the throne," presumably the Father.
2. In Revelation 4:11 the 24 elders praise God on the basis of His acts in creation.
3. In Revelation 5:9, 20, the four living creatures and the 24 elders together praise the Lamb because of His death on the cross.
4. In Revelation 5:12 an innumerable host of angels join in the chorus of praise to the Lamb.
5. Finally, in our text above, the One on the throne and the Lamb receive praise together as the entire universe offers one single harmony of praise.
The last of the five hymns is the climax. The first two hymns are sung to the One on the throne and focus on creation. The next two hymns are sung to the Lamb and dwell on salvation. The fifth of the five hymns praises both of Them together. So we find a progression from the Father to Jesus and finally to both of Them together.
We also notice an amazing crescendo in the size of the groups that sing these hymns. The four living creatures present the first and the 24 elders the next. In the third hymn the four living creatures and the 24 elders join together in singing. In the fourth hymn a massive angel choir accompanies the four living creatures and the 24 elders. And finally, every creature in the entire universe proclaims the fifth hymn.
The whole sequence of Revelation 4 and 5 moves toward the great climax in which the Lamb joins the Father on the throne. The major point of this passage is the exaltation of the Lamb to equal status with the Father. It is a status He clearly had before the cross. But after His death fresh praise declares the glory of Jesus Christ. His mighty self-sacrifice on the cross raises the acclamation of heaven to new heights never before seen. Never again will God be praised without mention of who the Lamb is, what He has done, and why He is accounted worthy. The joy and integrity of the universe now centers in the worthiness of the Lamb.
Lord, I place Jesus on the throne of my life today. It is my purpose to obey Him in everything, for He is worthy.