Today's reading finishes off the family trees. As we see how carefully the Hebrews preserved the names of their ancestors, our faith in the inspired Word should be strengthened.
Memory gem: "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold" (Proverbs 22:1).
Thought for today:
Dr. Chrales L. Goodell tells of meeting a mule driver in Palestine whose name was Abuscandra. On asking what it meant, he was told that it meant "the father of Alexander." The doctor thought that was strange, and told the man, "In America we name our children after their fathers, but here you seem to name the fathers after their children." And, you know, there might be something good about such a custom. If every father had to bear the name of his child, men would estimate his worth by the character of the children he had trained up for life. In that case, a good many fathers would probably give a little more time and attention to the most important job any man can ever have.
A good name cannot be taken away from anybody, because it represents character. No matter what enemies may do, the character represented by that name will stand until the judgment day. The one who trusts in God may always rest in the assurance of Job, who said: "Also now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my record is on high" (Job 16:19).
By God's amazing grace, your name may be made more eternal than the stars of heaven. Are you a Christian? If so, you may be glad for the promise of your Lord Jesus Christ and rejoice that your name is written in heaven, as we read in Luke 10:20. And let us not forget that the power of Christ alone creates and sustains pure personality.