Today's reading: The well-known story of David and Goliath describes the first public action to draw the people's attention to the talented shepherd boy.
Thought for today:
As David slew Goliath with the sword of Goliath, so Jesus slays Satan with the sword of Satan and delivers His people forever. Let us this day come to Him in faith, believing. Let us look and live. "Is not this the son of David?" (Matthew 12:23). Indeed it is. By faith, His victory is ours.
At last the great controversy between good and evil, the war of the ages, will be over, and the liberation of the world will come when our King returns in His glory. Then all men and angels will bow before Him, David's great Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who is "God blessed for ever" (Romans 9:5). But are we the King's men now? Are we waiting and watching and preparing the way for Him?