Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: so that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 1:6, 7.
Evidently God has had a purpose for the gift of prophets or prophecy, which was designed to help the people of God stay in the truth. It was His purpose that this gift be always present so that people could have the advantage of detailed counsel that is relevant to the time and place in which they live.
According to Scripture, the gift of prophecy is for the church--so don't go looking for a true prophet of God outside the church. The gift is for believers (1 Cor. 12:28; 14:22). Paul made the analogy between the gifts to the church and the human body. In the analogy, the gift of prophecy can be compared with eyes. Evidently they saw it this way back in the Old Testament days (1 Sam. 9:9). In those days the prophet was called the "seer." The prophet was the eyes of God's people. Again from the same analogy, it's natural to expect prophets to have vision or visions. Numbers 12:6 says that God will reveal Himself through His prophets in visions and dreams.
It is God's purpose in the last days that the church come behind in no gift (1 Cor. 1:7). He doesn't want us to come behind in apostles or pastors or teachers or evangelists, neither in prophets. And I'd like to suggest that the gift of prophecy is designed to include more than one person. It did in Bible times, and evidently it will at the very end of time. According to Scripture, the gift of prophecy will be manifest in the church just before Jesus comes.
Well, a true prophet, whether in Bible times or at the end of time, is going to be counterfeited. The devil will see to that. This has always been one of his methods of operation. We have been warned, in Matthew 24:24, that there will be false prophets. But Matthew 7:20 says we can test them by their fruits. In 1 Thessalonians 5:21 we are invited to prove all things, and keep that which is good. God is very interested in giving us every benefit today, including the gift of prophecy, to make it as hard as possible for us to be deceived.